Discover the goals of conservative school
board candidates. Details on the 24th, but in
their words, here are their intentions, briefly:
Alexandria Blumer. “Test scores are dropping, facilities are deteriorating, patriotism and respect are declining, the material and ideals our students are exposed to are concerning, and there’s an increase of activists and social justice warriors on campus. My goal is to empower and encourage parents to speak up about these issues.”
Jeremy Vanderhal. “We must trust that our elected officials represent us, act as good stewards of public funds, and take appropriate action when incidents occur that put people in danger. Currently, the PVPUSD board ignores some incidents to avoid negative public attention and conducts business behind closed doors. I aim to promote full transparency within the PVPUSD board to regain the public’s trust and become an effective governing body.”
Julie Hamill, current PVPUSD Board Member and founder of the Alliance of Los Angeles County Parents. “As an attorney and a volunteer, I advocate for children at every opportunity. “PVPUSD board members must listen to and respect all constituents, regardless of their viewpoints. Decisions must be debated and made publically to restore transparent and responsive leadership.”
Don't miss this Candidate Forum and also hear more about the PVPUSD Bond Measure that is on the ballot this November!
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